
“Silence=death. To overcome silence, we must shame, shame, become resilient towards fear, by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable.”

Michael Maddocks

As I embarked on this transformative self-care journey, I was met with an epiphany that would forever alter my perception of personal growth. It became abundantly clear that in order to truly evolve into a better version of oneself, an exploration of one's core traumas was an essential step. These deep-rooted wounds, when acknowledged and worked through, offered a profound understanding not only of oneself but also of the intricate tapestry of the world that surrounds us.
Reflecting back to the year 2021, a time of significant awakening for me, I stumbled upon a latent talent that had long been dormant within me - the art of writing. However, this newfound skill was not limited to simply recounting personal experiences in the form of a memoir. Instead, it blossomed into a poetic expression that transcended the boundaries of conventional storytelling. Through my verses and prose, I found solace and clarity, as if the words themselves had the power to heal the scars within me.
In my exploration of this artistic medium, I realized that the ability to have a voice and speak our truth is a fundamental aspect of self-care. It is through the act of sharing our experiences and emotions, however vulnerable they may be, that we find a sense of validation and connection in a world that often feels voiceless and detached. By giving voice to our thoughts and feelings, we not only nurture our own growth but also foster an environment of empathy and understanding, creating a supportive space for others to join us on our journey of self-discovery.
In essence, I have come to believe that true self-care goes beyond bubble baths and face masks; it requires a courageous exploration of our darkest corners and an unwavering commitment to speaking our truth. So, as I continue on this path of self-discovery and self-expression, I am grateful for the power of writing, for it has opened my eyes to the profound impact of emotional healing and has bestowed upon me the gift of an authentic voice in a world that often seeks to silence us.



This memoir explores the challenges one faces during an upbringing in which one may feel the emotion of “being of less” in an uncultivated environment. This type of socio-cultural landscape can either modify one's life with pessimal results or transform that feeling of less into an empowering action of motivation that enhances one's life through an optimistically favorable lens. Fulton Book’s review team has stated, “The author’s story will resonate with many readers; finding one’s identity can be difficult, especially today. The story is compelling and emotional. The sense of confusion is palpable. The manuscript is emotional, which can be difficult for a writer to relive; however, the author was able to deliver an intelligently written manuscript.” Throughout my life, the navigation of my paths accentuated those “feelings of less,” as demonstrated in each chapter. -Less is an ever-changing life story that would not only be a beacon of hope to those who experience similar challenges, but it is also a reflection of how one can overcome from the emotion of less to the elation of worth.